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We are happy to ship anywhere in the world!
Over 150$ is free shipping right now in North America! Under $150 Is a flat rate of $20.
We now ship overseas!! Anywhere in the world for a flat rate of $35. It is economy shipping and Jill and the Beanstalk is not liable without tracking numbers with economy shipping.
If you're in Toronto, you can pick-up your online order right away at our retail location at 814 College St. We also offer free local delivery for orders over $60 within our delivery zone. No refund on non-picked up items after 30 days.
Perfect for picnics, days out and school our insulated lunch bags have plenty of space inside for a 350ml/11.8 fl.Oz drinks bottle and various snacks/sandwiches. The bag also features a detatchable strap. It even has a "I belong to" label inside ready to be personalized.