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Lite Brite Reimagined: This all-new Lite-Brite features buttons instead of pegs! Press the 100 light-up buttons to swap through a variety of colors as you create art or play games.
3 Fun Games: There are 3 fun games to play, including Lite Break, Lite Match, and Lite Snake! Play on your own, or join a friend for even more fun!
12 Art Designs: There are 12 templates included that you can follow along to create your art. Or get creative and make your own pictures with light!
7 Colors, 5 Animations: There are 7 colors to swap through as you press the buttons. Finish your design and watch it come to life with 1 of 5 different animations!
Save & Recall Images: Finished playing but don’t want to lose your art? Simply save and recall the image to display later.